
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerRebateAccount
Physical Name : LE_CT_RBT_ACNT

A type of CustomerAccount used to accumulate purchases and other activity that determines if a customer is eligible to receive a rebate. Retailers may establish incentive programs that track customer purchases over a designated period of time (e.g annual, quarterly, etc.) and based on meeting minimum cumulative quantity and/or monetary value, issue a rebate. This is a common incentive used in membership based retailers that require customers to pay a fee to join. The programs may be tiered based on membership level (which varies based on periodic fees to join). Typically this kind of program stipulates that a customer must buy some mininum value of items over a designated period of time to receive a rebate that is calculated as a percentage of the total purchase value. In this scenario, the CustomerRebateAccount is the "container" used to accumulate the period sum of purchases. The rebate cumulative values are reset at the end of the designated rebate period (e.g. a year). As noted, this is commonly used in membership based programs and the rebate period is synchronized with the membership period (usually a year).

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerAccountID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier for a customer account. ID_CTAC Identity integer
EffectiveDate The date and time a CustomerAccount is eligibile to participate in a RebateProgram DC_EF_DT Datetime datetime
ExpirationDate The date and time a CustomerAccount is no longer eligible to participate in a rebate program DC_EP_DT Datetime datetime
CumulativePurchaseRebateBasisAmount The cumulative amount of products and services purchased by a CustomerAccount that is participating in a designated RebateProgram. This covers membership rebate programs that pay "dividends" or issue SVC's or pay cash to customers based on some percentage of a customers total purchases (usually as a monetary value) made over a period of time (usually on an annual basis prescribed in the RebateProgram). MO_CUM_PCH_RBT_BSS_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
RebateAccumulationStartDate The start date of a rebate accumulation period during which customer NET purchases are summarized to use as a basis for calculating a rebate. DC_RBT_ACCMLTN_SRT_DT DateCalendar date
RebateAccumulationEndDate The end date of a rebate accumulation period during which customer NET purchases are summarized to use as a basis for calculating a rebate. DC_RBT_ACCMLTN_END_DT DateCalendar date


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerRebateAccount is enrolled in CustomerRebateAccountProgram

Logical Views containing CustomerRebateAccount

Logical View
Logical 01400 - Item Rewards Derivation - Transaction Level
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended